
How We Can Help

Natalie & Dan Slagle

We created Fyooz Financial Planning to start our dream of money empowerment for a whole generation of couples. We are a married couple and both CFP® professionals that specialize in working with couples in their 30's and 40's. After all, we know you want someone that's relatable and understands the financial struggles of our generation.

Think of us as your money friends that help you think through your financials goals and take the right steps to get there. Our goal is to help you take control of your money and build the wealth you want, to do what you want.

It's no secret that money is one of the leading causes of separation. By working with us, we can turn that stat upside. Let's make money a leading cause why you stay together!


Benefits of working with us

  • Dedicated time to discuss finances with your partner.
  • Creating unity around your financial goals.
  • Simplifying the increasing $$$ complexities in your life.
  • Balancing the technical and emotional sides of money in your relationship.
  • Helping you become more proactive with your money.
  • Increasing equity in your household finances.

Our Process

Once you commit to working with us, we will take you through our 3 meeting onboarding process to build your financial foundation. After the onboarding process we will meet with you at least 3x per year to dive deep into all aspects of your financial plan (see areas of expertise below).
1. Discovery Meeting
 We complete a values exercise around your financial life and lay the foundation to provide the best ongoing recommendations for you.
2. Investment Meeting
Together we assess your current investment position and make recommendations to align your household investment plan towards your financial goals.
3. Current Reality Meeting
Let's review where you stand today. First, we'll review your balance sheet. Next, we take a deep dive into your household's cash flow movements.   

Areas of Expertise

Cash Flow


  • Calculate your appropriate emergency fund
  • Determine what to do with surplus savings and cash flow


  • Calculate your combined bills and spending budgets
  • Layout who pays for what expense when
  • Assist with combining finances


Current Investment Review

  • Analyze asset allocation of each partner
  • Determine each partners risk tolerance
  • Review concentrated positions due to company stock compensation

Professionally Managed Investments

  • Access to our investment management platform
  • Create your future allocation for individual and combined investments
  • Implementation of Environment, Social, and Governance [ESG] portfolios

Tax, Insurance and Estate

Tax Analysis

  • Guidance on minimizing overall tax liability
  • Midyear tax projections to see what changes need to be made
  • Implementation of tax strategies [Roth conversions, investment taxation, filling up brackets]

Insurance Review

  • Review each partners employer benefits to create a strategic household plan
  • Assess current life, disability, home, auto, and umbrella insurance policies
  • Discuss protection needs for small business

Estate Planning

  • Provide guidance on attorney referrals
  • Review current estate plan
  • Create proper asset titling and beneficiary designations
  • Digital asset transfer discussions

Retirement and Education Funding

Current Investment Review

  • Analyze current retirement projections
  • Access to our dynamic financial planning tool
  • Discuss appropriate savings strategy

Education Planning

  • Review options for education planning [UTMAs/UGMAs, 529 Plans, and Custodial accounts]
  • Examine current savings rate on its impact on future expenditures 

Financial planning designed for couples

Are you a couple going through the exercise of combining your finances and struggling to figure out how much house you can afford, what debt to pay first, or how to minimize your tax burden? Don’t forget about your investments and planning for your children’s education! As a married couple in our mid-30’s, we get it. That’s why we created Fyooz Financial Planning just for you.
One-Time Financial Plan

A one-time financial plan is for those who need specialized expertise, without ongoing commitment. You'll get access to:

  • 2 1-hour meetings with a CFP® professional.
  • Immediate answers to all of your money questions.
  • 30 days of unlimited email correspondence.
  • Created for DIYers.
  • Paid in 2 installments.
  • Immediate access to our ongoing financial planning service if you need additional help implementing our recommendations.

Starting at
$3,000 / financial plan

Financial Planning

We offer fee-only financial planning for those who want accountability and expert financial guidance for all of the new complexities in your life. You’ll get access to:

  • Structured meetings with 2 (married) CFP® professionals.
  • No products and no commissions.
  • Immediate answers to all of your money questions.
  • A step by step process to reaching your financial goals as a couple.
  • Expertise in managing finances for couples in their mid 30’s and 40’s.
  • A fiduciary third-party to make sure both of your voices are heard.
  • Professional investment management with standard and Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) portfolios.
  • Unlimited virtual meetings, emails, and phone calls as life happens.
  • 24/7 access to our financial planning software.

Starting at $6,000 per year

Starting at
$6,000 / year

Start your financial
journey now

Our goal is to help you understand how your asset allocation, tax allocation, and investment selections impact your financial goals. We actively manage our clients' investments. It's time to get serious about your money, together.
Schedule a Free Consultation